Monday 8 February 2016

Is Colonoscopy Boca Raton A Preventive Screening Measure?

The part of the intestine that forms the end of the digestive system is called the colon. The colon, rectum and the anal canal together forms the large intestine. The primary function of the colon is to extract the water as well as salts before the solid waste is eliminated through the anus. There may be occasions when you experience intense problems with your bowels that continually recur and the normal scan does not pinpoint the problem. In such cases, the regular physician will refer you to the specialist that is the gastroenterologist that will carry out clinical and investigative procedures to determine the cause of the problem.
The instrument used 

An important investigation that the experts carry out is the Colonoscopy in Boca Raton that is done with the help of a four-foot long flexible tube with camera and a light attached at the tip. The colonoscopy tip is inserted into the anus and then slowly pushed under control to the rectum area to as far as the cecum that is the beginning of the colon. As the tube advances, the image of the interior of the colon is reflected on a large TV screen showing any possible polyp, ulcers or any other swollen tissues.

Reasons for the test

Colonoscopy is largely carried out in adults as a preventive measure against cancer that checks for the possible growths. It is generally accepted that anyone over the age of fifty should undergo the colonoscopy to determine the colonoscopy so that any polyp can be removed before they get cancerous. There are also a host of other reasons for which the gastroenterologist may suggest you the colonoscopy. Any abnormality that appears in a CT scan will have to be verified with the help of this investigative procedure. The colonoscopy reveals the real nature of the abnormality in details aiding immediate treatment plans.

Some procedures to follow

Since the colon has a continual role to play in the digestion of food, it is necessary to follow certain procedures of preparation for correctly conducting the Colonoscopy in Boca Raton by experts. The colon has to be completely washed clean by drinking large volumes of special cleansing liquids for a stipulated number of days. There are also diet changes that are involved for the few days before the examination. The patient is also given enema or laxative prior to the procedure to cleanse further the colon and the anus of any remaining waste. 

The importance of the preparation 

It is important for the patient to follow carefully the instructions as any solid remaining will result in unsatisfactory visualization of the colon lining leading to a repeat test procedure later. Immediately before the commencement of the investigation, the patient is administered intravenous fluids and the heart rhythm, along with the blood pressure are carefully monitored. The patients are usually administered sedatives by the physician by way of intravenous channels with supplementing doses if required. Most people are able to cope well with the resulting cramps and the feeling of a pressure in the stomach with medication. Apart from the feeling of uneasiness colonoscopy usually does not result in any severe problem. To read more Click Here

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