Monday, 11 April 2016

How To Prevent Colon Cancer With Colonoscopy In Boca Raton

Cancer of the colon is the second significant cause of death due to cancer. Cancer of the colon affects the large and the small intestine. But the traditional methods like a blood test or stool tests are not always able to detect your problem. The symptoms of colon cancer reveal themselves only at a later stage when treatment becomes difficult. The chances of curing the disease are little, so physicians recommend a preventive Colonoscopy in Boca Raton. The test provides a visual diagnosis of the intestine and the opportunity of removing any polyps in the intestine that might be cancerous.
A Lifesaver Process

You might not like to go through the process as you feel you do not have any problem or due to some other reason. Every person between the age of fifty and seventy- five must take the screening test. If you have a family history of such cancer, you are at a risk. People with inflammatory bowel diseases and certain other disorders must take Colonoscopy in Boca Raton earlier in life. In case, the doctor finds no polyps during the first test you must take the test every ten years. People addicted to alcohol, or smoking and those who often consume red meat are at an elevated risk. 

The Procedure

Colonoscopy in Boca Raton is an outpatient procedure that needs some preparation on your part. You must take medicines and a liquid diet for a few days so that your bowel is clean. The doctors view the colon only when it is empty. If you do not follow the preparatory instructions that the doctor suggests, the procedure may not be successful. You have to undergo the process under mild sedation. The doctor infuses some air in ti your bowel to inflate it. In the case of detection of a lesion, the doctor removes it. You must have a family or friend accompany you home after the procedure.

Benefits the Procedure Offers

Colonoscopy can be beneficial only when done at good clinics by expert doctors.  A general physician or an internist cannot detect the symptoms in most of the cases, where they perform the test for you. If you decide to go for a colonoscopy, be sure to find the best Colonoscopy in Boca Raton. Other traditional tests like the stool test can give you false results, but colonoscopy allows your surgeon to see your bowels and the chance of removal of polyps makes it more useful, than other tests. The cost of the test often deters people from performing it, but now insurance companies give you coverage for the medical procedure.

Know the Risks 

Although colonoscopy is the best test for prevention of correctional cancer, it involves certain risks. The greatest danger of having a colonoscopy procedure is perforation of the colon, due to lack of experience or proper training of the doctor. If you are a suffering from colonial diseases or diverticulitis or have adhesion from pelvic surgeries, you at a higher risk. You might react to certain drugs used for the process of cleaning up, so check with the doctor for any allergies you have.  The risk goes up with increasing age. People with a history of heart diseases, diabetes, you must consider the risks factors seriously. To read more Click Here